Seattle University School of Law is home to an outstanding faculty of committed teacher-scholars. This is a collection of selected scholarship from some of our inspiring thought leaders.
Submissions from 2011
An Emerging Mandate for International Courts: Victim-Centered Remedies and Restorative Justice, Tom M. Antkowiak
Analyzing Stops, Citations, and Searches in Washington and Beyond, Mario L. Barnes and Robert S. Chang
Compassionate Immigration Reform, Steven W. Bender
Faces of Immigration Reform, Steven W. Bender
LatCrit XV Symposium Afterword, Steven W. Bender and Francisco Valdes
Meeting Across the River: Why Affirmative Action Needs Race and Class Diversity, Deirdre M. Bowen
Bias in the Classroom, One Degree Removed: The Story of Turner v. Stime and Amicus Participation, Robert S. Chang
Joan Williams, Coalitions, and Getting Beyond the Wages of Whiteness and the Wages of Maleness, Robert S. Chang
The Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality and Its Vision for Social Change, Robert S. Chang
What Comes After Gender?, Robert S. Chang
Matters of Preference: Tracing the Line between Citizens, Democratic States, and International Law, Mark A. Chinen and Lana J. Ellis
Global Intellectual Property Governance (Under Construction), Margaret Chon
Introduction, Margaret Chon
Sticky Knowledge in Copyright, Margaret Chon
Race, Sex, and the Division of Labor: A Comment on Joan Williams’s Reshaping the Work-Family Debate, Richard Delgado
Rodrigo’s Reconsideration: Intersectionality and the Future of Critical Race Theory, Richard Delgado
Living History Interview with Richard Delgado & Jean Stefancic, Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
Confronting the Certainty Imperative in Corporate Finance Jurisprudence, Diane Lourdes Dick
From Both Sides Now: The Job Talk’s Role in Matching Candidates with Law Schools, Anne Enquist, Paula Lustbader, and John B. Mitchell
Labor Values are First Amendment Values: Why Union Comprehensive Campaigns are Protected Speech, Charlotte Garden
An Environmental Justice Critique of Comparative Advantage: Indigenous Peoples, Trade Policy, and the Mexican Neoliberal Economic Reforms, Carmen G. Gonzalez
Climate Change, Food Security, and Agrobiodiversity: Toward a Just, Resilient, and Sustainable Food System, Carmen G. Gonzalez
The Global Politics of Food: Introduction to the Theoretical Perspectives Cluster, Carmen G. Gonzalez
Investment Income Withholding in the United States and Germany, Lily Kahng
Immigration Law as Contract Law, Won Kidane
Introduction: Understanding Human Trafficking and its Victims, Won Kidane
Managing Forced Displacement by Law in Africa: The Role of the New African Union IDPs Convention, Won Kidane
A Prudent Approach to Climate Change, John B. Kirkwood
The Predictive Power of Merger Analysis, John B. Kirkwood
Is it Greek or déjà vu all over again?: Neoliberalism and Winners and Losers of International Debt Crises, Tayyab Mahmud
“Surplus Humanity" and the Margins of Legality: Slums, Slumdogs, and Accumulation by Dispossession, Tayyab Mahmud
Neither A Model Of Clarity Nor A Model Statute: An Analysis Of The History, Challenges, And Suggested Changes To The “New” Article 120, Hon. Jack Nevin and Joshua R. Lorenz
Punctuated Equilibrium: A Model for Administrative Evolution, Mark C. Niles
Berle and Veblen: An Intellectual Connection, Charles R.T. O'Kelley
Coase, Knight, and the Nexus-of-Contracts Theory of the Firm: A Reflection on Reification, Reality, and the Corporation as Entrepreneur Surrogate, Charles R.T. O'Kelley
Your Mayor, Your “Friend”: Public Officials, Social Networking, and the Unmapped New Public Square, Bill Sherman
Laws as Tactics, Dean Spade
Talk the Talk, but Walk the Walk: A Comment on Joan Williams’s Reshaping the Work-Family Debate, Jean Stefancic
Global Finance, Multinationals and Human Rights: With Commentary on Backer’s Critique of the 2008 Report by John Ruggie, Faith Stevelman
Freedom From Violence: Using the Stages of Change Model to Realize the Promise of Civil Protection Orders, Jane K. Stoever
Slavery, the Rule of Law, and the Civil War, George Van Cleve
Submissions from 2010
Methademic: Drug Panic in an Age of Ambivalence, Deborah Ahrens
Language, Power, and Identity in the Workplace: Enforcement of 'English-Only' Rules by Employers, Janet Ainsworth
Brilliant Disguise: An Empirical Analysis of a Social Experiment Banning Affirmative Action, Deirdre M. Bowen
Truth or Consequences: Self-Incriminating Statements and Informant Veracity, Mary Nicol Bowman
Transcript: Session 1: One Symptom of a Serious Problem: Caperton v. Massey, Bert Brandenburg, Andrew Siegel, Richard Hasen, Kathleen Sullivan, and David M. Skover
Lifting Burdens: Proof, Social Justice, and Public Assistance Administrative Hearings, Lisa Brodoff
Introduction: Civil Legal Representation, Lisa E. Brodoff
Planning for Alzheimer's Disease with Mental Health Advance Directives, Lisa Ellen Brodoff
Asian Americans and the Road to the White House: Musings on Being Invisible, Robert S. Chang
Rock Climbing with the Gotandas, Robert S. Chang
Making Up Is Hard to Do: Race/Gender/Sexual Orientation in the Law School Classroom, Robert S. Chang and Adrienne D. Davis
Teaching as a Form of Love, Mark A. Chinen
Intellectual Property Equality, Margaret Chon
Remembering and Repairing The Error Before Us, In Our Presence, Margaret Chon
Introduction: Influential Voices, Annette Clark
In Re Marriage of King: Amicus Curiae Brief of International Law Scholars in Support of Appellant, Martha F. Davis and Raven Lidman
Rodrigo's Portent: California and the Coming Neocolonial Order, Richard Delgado
Motive, Duty, and the Management of Restricted Charitable Gifts, John K. Eason
The Global Food Crisis: Law, Policy and the Elusive Quest for Justice, Carmen G. Gonzalez
Lawyering and Learning in Problem-Solving Courts, Paul Holland
One Is the Loneliest Number: The Single Taxpayer in a Joint Return World, Lily Kahng
The Alienage Spectrum Disorder: The Bill of Rights From Chinese Exclusion in Guantanamo, Won Kidane
The Status of Private Military Contractors Under International Humanitarian Law, Won Kidane
Rethinking Antitrust Policy Toward RPM, John B. Kirkwood
Law of Geography and the Geography of Law: A Post-Colonial Mapping, Tayyab Mahmud
PIIGS, iTraxx SoyX, Neoliberalism, and Unshackled Finance Capital, Tayyab Mahmud
Slums, Slumdogs, and Resistance, Tayyab Mahmud
Pretext in Peril, Natasha T. Martin
Physician-Assisted Suicide and Dementia: The Impossibility of a Workable Regulatory Regime, John B. Mitchell
Preempting Justice: "Precrime" in Fiction and in Fact, Mark C. Niles
Berle and the Entrepreneur, Charles R.T. O'Kelley
Foreword: In Berle’s Footsteps, Charles R.T. O'Kelley
Zakat: Drawing Insights for Legal Theory and Economic Policy from Islamic Jurisprudence, Russell Powell
Rethinking Tax Priorities: Marriage Neutrality, Children, and Contemporary Families, James Puckett
Individuals and Community, Discipline Building and Disciplinary Values: The First Twenty-five Years of the Legal Writing Institute, Chris Rideout
Penumbral Thinking Revisited: Metaphor in Legal Argumentation, Chris Rideout
Tributes to Mary S. Lawrence, Chris Rideout
Discipline-Building and Disciplinary Values: Thoughts on Legal Writing at Year Twenty-Five of the Legal Writing Institute, J. Christopher Rideout
Legal Writing: The View from Within, J. Christopher Rideout and Jill J. Ramsfield
Justice Stevens and the Seattle Schools Case: A Case Study on the Role of Righteous Anger in Constitutional Discourse, Andrew Siegel
Be Professional!, Dean Spade
Introduction: Transgender Issues and the Law, Dean Spade
Keynote Address, Dean Spade
Medicaid Policy & Gender-Confirming Healthcare for Trans People: An Interview with Advocates, Dean Spade
On (Cr)edibility: Why Food in the United States May Never be Safe, Denis Stearns
Submissions from 2009
Critical Error: Courts’ Refusal to Recognize Intentional Race Discrimination Findings as Constitutional Facts, Bryan Adamson
Asking Jurors to Do the Impossible: A Response to Peter Tiersma, Janet Ainsworth
International Judicial Affairs, Robert Alsdorf
Knocked Down Again: An East L.A. Story on the Geography of Color and Colors, Steven W. Bender
Calling your Bluff: How Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys Adapt Pleas Bargaining Strategies to Increased Formalization, Deirdre Bowen
Ethics as Self-Transcendence: Legal Education, Faith, and an Ethos of Justice, Patrick Brown
Richard Delgado and the Politics of Citation, Robert S. Chang
Half-Full, Half-Empty? Asian American Electoral ‘Presence’ in 2008, Robert S. Chang and Keith Aoki
Democratizing the Courts: How an Amicus Brief Helped Organize the Asian American Community to Support Marriage Equality, Robert S. Chang and Karin Wang
Secrecy and Democratic Decisions, Mark A. Chinen