Seattle University School of Law is home to an outstanding faculty of committed teacher-scholars. This is a collection of selected scholarship from some of our inspiring thought leaders.
Submissions from 2017
Comments on Restatement of Employment Law (Third), Chapter 1, Charlotte Garden and Joseph E. Slater
International Environmental Law, Environmental Justice, and the Global South, Carmen Gonzalez and Sumudu Atapattu
Environmental Racism, American Exceptionalism, and Cold War Human Rights, Carmen G. Gonzalez
Who Owns Human Capital?, Lily Kahng
China and India's Differing Investment Treaty and Dispute Settlement Experiences and Implications for Africa, Won Kidane
LDCs’ Unique Challenges of Getting the Composition of Arbitral Tribunals Right, Won Kidane
Missed Opportunities in the International Law Commission's Draft Articles on the Expulsion of Aliens, Won Kidane
Laudato si': Engaging Islamic Tradition and Implications for Legal Thought, Russell Powell
Dismissals as Justice, Anna Roberts
Faculty Scholarship Brochure 2017, Seattle University School of Law
The Myth of Merit: The Garland Nomination, the Friendly Legacy, and the Slipperiness of Appellate Court Qualifications, Andrew Siegel
Submissions from 2016
Thugs, Crooks, and Rebellious Negroes: Racist and Racialized Media Coverage of Michael Brown and the Ferguson Demonstrations, Bryan Adamson
Now, More than Ever: Reflections on LatCrit at Twenty, Steven Bender
The Colors of Cannabis: Race and Marijuana, Steven Bender
The Colors of Cannabis: Reflections on the Racial Justice Implications of California's Proposition 64, Steven Bender
Campus Racial Unrest and the Diversity Bargain, Steven W. Bender
Will LGBT Antidiscrimination Law Follow the Course of Race Discrimination Law, Robert S. Chang
The Co-Evolution of Autonomous Machines and Legal Responsibility, Mark A. Chinen
The Standard of Compensation for Takings, Mark A. Chinen
Copyright’s Other Functions, Margaret Chon
Aggregate Litigation & All That We Do Not Know, Brooke D. Coleman
One Percent Procedure, Brooke D. Coleman
Smarter Law Learning: Using Cognitive Science to Maximize Law Learning, Jennifer M. Cooper
Religious Employers and Labor Law: Bargaining in Good Faith, Charlotte Garden
The Deregulatory First Amendment at Work, Charlotte Garden
The Environmental Justice Implications of Biofuels, Carmen Gonzalez
The Not-so-Merry Wives of Windsor: The Taxation of Women in Same-Sex Marriages, Lily Kahng
China's Bilateral Investment Treaties with African States in Comparative Context, Won Kidane
Work Drive Matters: An Assessment of the Relationship between Law Students’ Work-related Preferences and Academic Performance, Jeffrey Minneti
Exposed: Asking the Wrong Question in Risk Regulation, Catherine O'Neill
The Influence of Exile, Sara K. Rankin
Conviction by Prior Impeachment, Anna Roberts
Faculty Scholarship Brochure 2016, Seattle University School of Law
Submissions from 2015
Michael Sam: Upending NFL Heteronormativity with a Piece of Cake, Bryan Adamson
Incarcerated Child Birth and “Broader Birth Control”: Autonomy, Regulation, and the State, Deborah Ahrens
Mitigating Foul Blows, Mary Bowman
Evading Miller, Robert S. Chang, David A. Perez, Luke M. Rona, and Christopher M. Schafbuch
Tracermarks: A Proposed Information Intervention, Margaret Chon
Abrogation Magic: The Rules Enabling Act Process, Civil Rule 84, and the Forms, Brooke Coleman
Civil-izing Federalism, Brooke Coleman
The Efficiency Norm, Brooke Coleman
An Analysis of the Economic Costs of Seeking the Death Penalty in Washington (Report), Peter A. Collins, Robert C. Boruchowitz, Matthew J. Hickman, and Mark A. Larranaga
Grassroots Shareholder Activism in Large Commercial Bankruptcies, Diane Lourdes Dick
U.S. Tax Imperialism, Diane Lourdes Dick
Toward A Clinical Pedagogy Of Externship, Elizabeth Ford
Toward Politically Stable NLRB Lawmaking: Rulemaking vs. Adjudication, Charlotte Garden
Bridging the North-South Divide: International Environmental Law in the Anthropocene, Carmen Gonzalez
Environmental Justice, Human Rights, and the Global South, Carmen Gonzalez
World Poverty and Food Insecurity, Carmen Gonzalez
Introduction, Paul Holland
Strategic Dodging of ESA Listing Determinations, Madeline Kass
Buyer Power and Healthcare Prices, John B. Kirkwood
Listening from the Bench Fosters Civility and Promotes Justice, Paula Lustbader
Foreword – LatCrit Praxis @ XX: Toward Equal Justice in Law, Education and Society, Tayyab Mahmud
Precarious Existence and Capitalism: A Permanent State of Exception, Tayyab Mahmud
Wanted Dead & Alive: Modern Law, Universality, and the Colonial Exception, Tayyab Mahmud
The Green to Blue Pipeline: Defense Contractors and the Police Industrial Complex, Karena Rahall
A Homeless Bill of Rights (Revolution), Sara Rankin
Applied Legal Storytelling: A Bibliography, Christopher Rideout
Asymmetry as Fairness: Reversing a Peremptory Trend, Anna Roberts
Faculty Scholarship Brochure 2015, Seattle University School of Law
The Deliberation Paradox and Administrative Law, Bill Sherman
Constitutional Theory, Constitutional Culture, Andrew Siegel
Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain: Concealment, Revelation, and the Question of Food Safety, Denis W. Stearns
Submissions from 2014
Bearing Children, Bearing Risks: Feminist Leadership for Progressive Regulation of Compensated Surrogacy in the United States, Sara Ainsworth
“If They Hand You a Paper, You Sign It”: A Call to End the Sterilization of Women in Prison, Sara Ainsworth and Rachel Roth
A Dark Side of Virtue: The Inter-American Court and Reparations for Indigenous Peoples, Thomas Antkowiak
Challenged X 3: The Stories of Women of Color Who Teach Legal Writing, Lorraine Bannai
Equity in Times of Mortgage Crisis, Steven Bender
All that Heaven Will Allow: A Statistical Analysis of the Co-existence of Same Sex Marriage and Gay Matrimonial Bans, Deirdre Bowen
This Is Your Sword: Does Plaintiff Prior Conviction Evidence Affect Civil Trial Outcomes, Deirdre Bowen and Kathryn Stanchi
Bankruptcy’s Corporate Tax Loophole, Diane Lourdes Dick
Citizens United & the First Amendment of Labor Law, Charlotte Garden
Meta Rights, Charlotte Garden
Unions & Campaign Finance Litigation, Charlotte Garden
Women of Color in Legal Education: Challenging the Presumption of Incompetence, Carmen Gonzalez
Presumed Incompetent: Continuing the Conversation, Carmen Gonzalez and Angela P. Harris
The Taxation of Intellectual Capital, Lily Kahng
China-African Investment Treaties: Old Rules, New Challenges, Won Kidane
The China-Africa Factor in the Contemporary ICSID Legitimacy Debate, Won Kidane
Collusion to Control a Powerful Customer: Amazon, E-Books, and Antitrust Policy, John B. Kirkwood
A Legal Practitioner’s Guide to Indian and Tribal Law Research, Kelly Kunsch
Foreword: Looking Back, Moving Forward: Latin Roots of the Modern Global and Global Orientation of LatCrit, Tayyab Mahmud
Coal and Commerce: Local Review of the Gateway Pacific Coal Terminal, Henry W. McGee, David A. Bricklin, and Bryan Telegin
Does Shari’a Play a Role in Turkey?, Russell Powell
The Possible Advantages of Islamic Financial Jurisprudence: An Empirical Study of the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index, Russell Powell and Arthur DeLong
The Siren Is Calling: Economic and Ideological Trends Toward Privatization of Public Police Forces, Karena Rahall
Invidious Deliberation: The Problem of Congressional Bias in Federal Hate Crime Legislation, Sara Rankin
Impeachment by Unreliable Conviction, Anna Roberts
For a Feminist Considering Surrogacy, is Compensation Really the Key Question?, Julie Shapiro
A Continuing Plague: Faceless Transactions and the Coincident Rise of Food Adulteration and Legal Regulation of Quality, Denis Stearns
Prosser’s Bait-and-Switch: How Food Safety Was Sacrificed in the Battle for Tort’s Empire, Denis Stearns
The Anti-Federalists’ Toughest Challenge: Paper Money, Debt Relief, and the Ratification of the Constitution, George Van Cleve
Submissions from 2013
Drug Panics in The Twenty-First Century: Ecstasy, Prescription Drugs, And The Reframing Of The War On Drugs, Deborah Ahrens
Rights, Resources and Rhetoric: Indigenous Peoples and the Inter-American Court, Tom Antkowiak
Derrick Bell: Oregon Trailblazer, Steve Bender
Joint Reform?: The Interplay of State, Federal, and Hemispheric Regulation of Recreational Marijuana and the Failed War on Drugs, Steven W. Bender
Fifty Years After Gideon: It is Long Past Time to Provide Lawyers for Misdemeanor Defendants Who Cannot Afford to Hire Their Own, Robert C. Boruchowitz
Engaging First-Year Students through Pro Bono Collaborations in Legal Writing, Mary Bowman