Seattle University School of Law is home to an outstanding faculty of committed teacher-scholars. This is a collection of selected scholarship from some of our inspiring thought leaders.
Submissions from 2013
Full Disclosure: Cognitive Bias, Informants, and Search Warrant Scrutiny, Mary Bowman
The Invention of Asian Americans, Robert S. Chang
Derrick A. Bell, Jr.: Serving Two Masters Elegantly, Margaret Chon
Slow Logo: Brand Citizenship in Global Value Networks, Margaret Chon
Postscript to a Deanship, Annette E. Clark
Prison is Prison, Brooke Coleman
Mania: The Lives, Literature, and Law of the Beats, Ronald K.L. Collins and David M. Skover
Greetings and Grievances: A Letter from Afghan Professors, Laurel Currie Oates
Legal Ethics, Commercial Practice and the Certainty Imperative: A Cautionary Note, Diane Lourdes Dick
The Chapter 11 Efficiency Fallacy, Diane Lourdes Dick
Promoting Language Access in the Legal Academy, Gillian Dutton, Beth Lyon, Jayesh Rathod, and Deborah Weissman
Bell Labs: Derrick Bell’s Inspirational Pedagogy, Charlotte Garden
Union Made: Labor’s Litigation for Social Change, Charlotte Garden
"So Closely Intertwined": Labor Interests and Racial Solidarity, Charlotte Garden and Nancy Leong
Introduction: Presumed Incompetent: Continuing the Conversation (Part II), Carmen G. Gonzalez and Angela P. Harris
Path Dependence in Tax Subsidies for Home Sales, Lily Kahng
The IRS Tea Party Controversy and Administrative Discretion, Lily Kahng
Costly Mistakes: Undertaxed Business Owners and Overtaxed Workers, Lily Kahng and Mary Louise Fellows
The Essence of Antitrust: Protecting Consumers and Small Suppliers from Anticompetitive Conduct, John B. Kirkwood
Cheaper Than a Slave: Indentured Labor, Colonialism and Capitalism, Tayyab Mahmud
Debt and Discipline: Neoliberal Political Economy and the Working Classes, Tayyab Mahmud
Derrick Bell: Ethical Ambition and Law Teaching, Natasha Martin
A Tribute to Derrick Bell, Henry W. McGee
The Evolution of the Modern Corporation: Corporate Governance Reform in Context, Charles O'Kelley
Fishable Waters, Catherine A. O'Neill
Embracing the Queen of Hearts: Deference to Retroactive Tax Rules, James Puckett
We Have a Dream: Integrating Skills Courses and Public Interest Work in the First Year of Law School (and Beyond), Sara Rankin, Lisa Brodoff, and Mary Bowman
Can Law Schools Prepare Students to be Practice Ready?, Sara Rankin, Susanna K. Ripken, R. Michael Cassidy, and James E. Moliterno
A Twice-Told Tale: Plausibility and Narrative Coherence in Judicial Storytelling, Chris Rideout
Casual Ostracism: Jury Exclusion on the Basis of Criminal Convictions, Anna Roberts
What Changed When the Gay Adoption Ban was Lifted?: Perspectives of Lesbian and Gay Parents in Florida, Julie Shapiro, Abbie E. Goldberg, April M. Moyer, and Elizabeth R. Weber
Review of Colin Dayan’s The Law Is a White Dog: How Legal Rituals Make and Unmake Persons, Dean Spade
Under the Cover of Gay Rights, Dean Spade
Transforming Domestic Violence Representation, Jane Stoever
Submissions from 2012
The Homeowners’ Illusory Safety Net: Mortgage Broker Surety Liability, Bryan Adamson
The Status of Clinical Faculty in the Legal Academy: Report of the Task Force on the Status of Clinicians and the Legal Academy, Bryan Adamson
Clinical Faculty in the Legal Academy: Hiring, Promotion, and Retention , Bryan L. Adamson, Calvin Pang, Bradford Colbert, Kathy Hessler, Katherine Kruse, Robert Kuehn, Mary Helen McNeal, and David Santacroce
Don’t Blame Crawford or Bryant: The Confrontation Clause Mess Is All Davis’s Fault, Deborah Ahrens and John Mitchell
Reflections on my Colleague, Tom Holdych, Janet Ainsworth
Introduction, Lorraine K. Bannai
Lemkin’s Situation: Toward a Rhetorical Understanding of "Genocide", Perry Bechky
Microinvestment Disputes, Perry Bechky
En Paz Descanse: Remembering Keith Aoki’s Contributions Toward Latina/o Equality, Steven W. Bender
Gringo Alley, Steven W. Bender
Unbound by Law: Keith Aoki as Our Avatar, Steven W. Bender and Ibrahim J. Gassama
Many-to-Many Contracts, Heidi S. Bond
American Skin: Dispensing with Colorblindness and Critical Mass in Affirmative Action, Deirdre Bowen
Centering the Immigrant in the Inter/national Imagination (Part III): Aoki, Rawls, and Immigration, Robert S. Chang
Keith Aoki’s Theory of Racial Microclimes, Robert S. Chang
Preliminary Report on Race and Washington’s Criminal Justice System, Robert S. Chang
Crumbs from the Table: The Syrophoenician Woman and International Law, Mark A. Chinen
Law Professor as Artist: Themes and Variations in Keith Aoki's Intellectual Property Scholarship, Margaret Chon
Supercolleague, Margaret Chon
The Romantic Collective Author, Margaret Chon
Tribute to Professor Thomas J. Holdych, Annette E. Clark
Lassiter v. Department of Social Services: Why Is It Such a Lousy Case?, Brooke D. Coleman
Summary Judgment: What We Think We Know Versus What We Ought To Know, Brooke D. Coleman
The Vanishing Plaintiff, Brooke D. Coleman
What If?: A Study of Seminal Cases as if Decided in a Twombly/Iqbal Regime, Brooke D. Coleman
Centennial Reflections on the California Law Review's Scholarship on Race: The Structure of Civil Rights Thought, Richard Delgado
Four Reservations on Civil Rights Reasoning by Analogy: The Case of Latinos and Other Nonblack Groups, Richard Delgado
Naim v. Naim, Richard Delgado
Recent Writing on Law and Happiness, Richard Delgado
Citizens, United and Citizens United: The Future of Labor Speech Rights?, Charlotte Garden
Teaching for America: Unions and Academic Freedom, Charlotte Garden
The Global Food System, Environmental Protection, and Human Rights, Carmen G. Gonzalez
Race, Brain Science, and Critical Decision-Making in the Context of Constitutional Criminal Procedure, Christian M. Halliburton
Diversity Within Racial Groups and the Constitutionality of Race Conscious Admissions, Vinay Harpalani
The Inquisitorial Advantage in Removal Proceedings, Won Kidane
Darth Vader, John B. Kirkwood
Powerful Buyers and Merger Enforcement, John B. Kirkwood
Painting Beyond the Numbers: The Art of Providing Access in Law School Admissions to Ensure Full Representation in the Profession, Paula Lustbader
Role, Identity, and Lawyering: Empowering Professional Responsibility, Natasha Martin
Diversity and the Virtual Workplace: Performance Identity and Shifting Boundaries of Workplace Engagement, Natasha T. Martin
The Least of These: In Praise of Professor Tom Holdych’s Integrity and Dedication to Justice for the Disadvantaged, Henry McGee
Un-Apologizing For Context and Experience In Legal Education, John McKay
A Senior Faculty Member’s Favorite Sabbatical: My Teaching Sabbatical, John B. Mitchell
Crimes of Misery and Theories of Punishment, John B. Mitchell
A Book Review: Reservation 'Capitalism' Economic Development in Indian Country by Robert J. Miller, Douglas Nash
Comments of the Center for Indian Law & Policy on Washington’s Fish Consumption Rate Technical Support Document, Catherine O’Neill
Conducting Research with Tribal Communities: Sovereignty, Ethics, and Data-Sharing Issues, Catherine O’Neill, Anna Harding, Barbara Harper, Dave Stone, Patricia Berger, Stuart Harris, and Jamie Donatuto
Forgiveness in Islamic Ethics and Jurisprudence, Russell Powell
Location, Location, Location: Using Cost of Living to Achieve Tax Equity, James Puckett
Health Cover(age)ing, Becca Rausch
Reframing Roe: Property over Privacy, Becca Rausch
Tom Holdych: A Tribute, in “In Memory of Professor Thomas J. Holdych”, Chris Rideout
Disparately Seeking Jurors: Disparate Impact and the (Mis)use of Batson, Anna Roberts
(Re)forming the Jury: Detection and Disinfection of Implicit Juror Bias, Anna Roberts
It's Time for an Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedure, James Rosenfield
Rule 3.8, The Jencks Act, And How The ABA Created A Conflict Between Ethics And The Law On Prosecutorial Disclosure, Kirsten Schimpff
Counting from One: Replacing the Marital Presumption with a Presumption of Sole Parentage, Julie Shapiro
A Pragmatic Republic, If You Can Keep It, Bill Sherman
The Guardians of Knowledge in the Modern State: Post’s Republic and the First Amendment, David M. Skover and Ronald K. L. Collins
Terrace v. Thompson and the Legacy of Manifest Destiny, Jean Stefancic
Saving the Puget Sound Wild Salmon Fishery, George Van Cleve
Tribute to Professor Tom Holdych, John Weaver
Submissions from 2011
The Muslim Manchurian Candidate: Barack Obama, Rumors, and Quotidian Hermeneutics, Bryan Adamson
Can the Professor Come Out and Play?—Scholarship, Teaching, and Theories of Play, Bryan Adamson, Lisa Brodoff, Marilyn Berger, Anne Enquist, Paula Lustbader, and John B. Mitchell