Volume 13, Issue 2
Law and the Possibilities of Peace
Yxta Maya Murray
Series: Mindful Law, Mindful World: Property, Possession, and Consumption Via Gandhi's Thought
Nehal A. Patel
Mindful Use: Gandhi's Non-Possessive Property Theory
Nehal A. Patel
"Renounce and Enjoy": The Pursuit of Happiness Through Gandhi's Simple Living and High Thinking
Nehal A. Patel
Public, by Necessity
David Dana and Nadav Shoked
War and Peace in Time and Space
Mary L. Dudziak
fractured manliness
John Kang
Martial Lawyers: Lawyering and War-Waging in American History
Bernard J. Hibbitts
Teach Your Children Well: Preventing Domestic Violence
Jane K. Stoever
Reflections on the Death Penalty: Human Rights, Human Dignity, and Dehumanization in the Death House
Robert Johnson
Breaking Barriers to "Breaking the Cycle"
Clare Fitzpatrick