We are excited to announce the publication of issue 22.3!
Thank you to our authors, editors, and publisher. Please give this insightful and interesting issue a read!
Current Issue: Volume 22, Issue 3 LatCrit Symposium
We are excited to announce the publication of issue 22.3! This issue was published in collaboration between the Seattle Journal for Social Justice and LatCrit!Articles
Cover Art
Joseph Sonday
About the Artist
Joseph Sonday
SJSJ Symposium Introduction
Elizabeth Ford
50 Years After the 1973 Coup in Chile: Analysis of the Processes of Transition to Democracy and Transitional Justice
Hugo Rojas Corral
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: What’s in a Name?
Leanne Salazar Montoya
Girl Power in the Shadow of Biopower
Kayla Strauss
Hemispheric Justice: Awakening to 303 Creative’s Troubles – A Glocalized LatCritical Analysis
Berta Hernández-Truyol
Healthcare in Carceral Settings: Providing Alternatives for the Medically Vulnerable Incarcerated Person
Sydney Manning
Embedding Racial Justice in the Work of Environmental Non-Profits
Patience Crowder and Tom Romero
Preparing for the Reckoning of Law with Justice: Organizing LatCrit Hemispherically for Systemic and Material Power
Francisco Valdes, Steven W. Bender, and Jennifer J. Hill