Connecting Legal Writing Students with Consumer Law


Room 109

Start Date

25-8-2017 1:00 PM

End Date

25-8-2017 1:25 PM


Whether they are consumers, representing consumers, or representing companies dealing with consumers, students graduating law school are likely to confront numerous consumer-law issues. Unfortunately, most of these students will not have access to consumer-law classes because many law schools do not offer such classes, and even in schools where courses are available, the classes are typically only upper-division, limited-enrollment electives. My presentation will show how I incorporate consumer-law topics into my first-year Legal Analysis, Research, and Writing class.

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Aug 25th, 1:00 PM Aug 25th, 1:25 PM

Connecting Legal Writing Students with Consumer Law

Room 109

Whether they are consumers, representing consumers, or representing companies dealing with consumers, students graduating law school are likely to confront numerous consumer-law issues. Unfortunately, most of these students will not have access to consumer-law classes because many law schools do not offer such classes, and even in schools where courses are available, the classes are typically only upper-division, limited-enrollment electives. My presentation will show how I incorporate consumer-law topics into my first-year Legal Analysis, Research, and Writing class.