Volume 39, Issue 3 (2016)
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Seattle University Law Review
Is Modern Day Slavery a Private Act or a Public System of Oppression?
Maria L. Ontiveros
The Constitution and Slavery Overseas
George Rutherglen
The Last Legally Beaten Servant in America: From Compulsion to Coercion in the American Workplace
Lea VanderVelde
Class as Caste: The Thirteenth Amendment’s Applicability to Class-Based Subordination
William M. Carter Jr.
The Thirteenth Amendment, Human Trafficking, and Hate Crimes
Jennifer Mason McAward
The Thirteenth Amendment, Disparate Impact, and Empathy Deficits
Darrell A.H. Miller
A Positive Right to Free Labor
Rebecca E. Zietlow
A New Peonage?: Pay, Work, or Go to Jail in Contemporary Child Support Enforcement and Beyond
Noah D. Zatz
The Paradox of the Right to Contract: Noncompete Agreements as Thirteenth Amendment Violations
Ayesha Bell Hardaway
“They Outlawed Solidarity!”
Richard Blum
Slave Contracts and the Thirteenth Amendment
John C. Williams
Micro-Housing in Seattle: A Case for Community Participation in Novel Land Use Decisions
Patrick Carter
An Overture to Equality: Preventing Subconscious Sex and Gender Biases from Influencing Hiring Decisions
Christy Krawietz
Getting a Handle on Growler Laws
Adam Star

Editor in Chief
Catherine ConnellManaging Editor
Laura DavisExecutive Editors
George Kaai (Lead Articles)Katie Loberstein (Notes & Comments)
Evan Hewitt (Editor at Large)
Symposium Chair
Kaya LurieBusiness & Marketing Editor
Adam StarLead Article Editors
Erica Bergmann | Christine Park |
Brittany Ward | Laura-Lee Williams |
Research & Technical Editors
Spencer Babbitt | Jason Burt |
Joshua Fensterbush | Christy Krawietz |
Scott MacDonald | Trent Morgan |
Andrei Nedelcu |
Note & Comment Editors
Justin Olson | Craig Peters |
Mark Wohrle |
Editor Emeriti
Kyle MallerySUpra Content Editors
Patrick Carter | Bipasana Sakya Joshee |
Associate Editors
William Dow | Paul Singh Heer |
Tara Lukjan | Reshvin Sidhu |
Avin Singh | Brady Somers |
Steven Spann |
Julian Aprile | Jonathan Barnard |
Nicole Barnhart | Jon Bogdanov |
John Bossert | Reed Cahill |
R. Derrick Chapman | Louiza Dudin |
Moriah Dworkin | Katie Farden |
Steven Fawcett | Nan Feng |
Ausra Gaigalaite | Stephanie Gambino |
Elisabeth Guard | Jacqueline Hackler |
Natalie Hopkins | Carrine Jaeger |
Natasha Khanna | Megan Malone |
Mae Oberste | Anne Omata |
Gregory Pittman | Nicole Price |
Jennifer Schell | Stephen Seely |
Cindy Toraya | Dean Williams |
Faculty Advisors
Charlotte Garden | Charles R. T. O'Kelley |
Kelly Kunsch | J. Christopher Rideout |