Volume 22, Issue 4 (1999)
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Seattle University Law Review
Searching for the "Tail of the Dog": Finding "Elements" of Crimes in the Wake of McMillan v. Pennsylvania
Richard G. Singer and Mark D. Knoll
Book Reviews
Why Constitutional Torts Deserve a Book of Their Own
Michael Wells, Thomas A. Eaton, and Sheldon H. Nahmod
Why Isn't This Man Smiling?
John W. Weaver
Property in Context
Craig J. Albert
How Do Law Students Really Learn? Problem-Solving, Modern Pragmatism, and Property Law
Craig Anthony Arnold
Review: The Essence of Property Law
Vada Waters Lindsey
A Walk Through the Woods of the Property Course with Dukeminier and Krier's Casebook on Property
Charles I. Nelson
The Perfect Blend of Methodology, Doctrine & Theory
Peter T. Wendel
ERISA Preemption of Medical Malpractice Claims: Can Managed Care Organizations Avoid Vicarious Liability?
J. Bradley Buckhalter
Will Surfing the Web Subject One to Transient Tax Jurisdiction? Why We Need a Uniform Federal Sales Tax on Internet Commerce
Aaron G. Murphy
Back Matter
Volume Index
Seattle University Law Review