Volume 19, Issue 3 (1996)
Front Matter
Tribute to Professor James E. Beaver
Seattle University Law Review
Table of Contents
Seattle University Law Review
Product Liability Law in the Federal Arena
Sherman Joyce
Litigation Outcomes in State and Federal Courts: A Statistical Portrait
Theodore Eisenberg, John Goerdt, Brian Ostrom, and David Rottman
Doubting Thomas: Confirmation Veracity Meets Performance Reality
Joyce A. Baugh and Christopher E. Smith
When the Constable Blunders: A Comparison of the Law of Police Interrogation in Canada and the United States
Robert Harvie and Hamar Foster
The Implications of National Security Safeguards on the Commercialization of Remote Sensing Imagery
Youssef Sneifer
The Denial of a State Constitutional Right to Bail in Juvenile Proceedings: The Need for Reassessment in Washington State
Kathleen A. Baldi
Washington Defendants' New Right of Pre-Trial Flight
Christopher T. Igielski