Volume 14, Issue 3 (1991)
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Seattle University Law Review
Symposium Articles
Medicare's Prospective Payment System at Age Eight: Mature Success or Midlife Crisis?
Bruce C. Vladeck
Policing Cost Containment: The Medicare Peer Review Organization Program
Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Private Utilization Review
Marvis J. Oehm
Hospital-Medical Staff Relations in the Face of Shifting Institutional Business Strategies: A Legal Analysis
John D. Blum
Setting New Jersey Hospital Rates: A Regulatory System Under Stress
Bruce Siegel, M.D., M.P.H.; Anne Weiss, M.P.P.; and Diane Lynch, J.D., M.S.
How Good a Samaritan? Federal Income Tax Exemption for Charitable Hospitals Reconsidered
James B. Simpson and Sarah D. Strum
Oil and the Public Trust Doctrine in Washington
Ralph W. Johnson
The Subverting of the Goeduck: Sex and Gender, Which and That, and Other Adventures in the Language of the Law
Robert C. Cumbow