Bridging the Gap Between the First Year Lawyering Skills Program and Live Client Clinical Work

Presenter Information

Julie B. Cramer, UCLA, School of Law


Room 110

Start Date

26-8-2017 10:55 AM

End Date

26-8-2017 11:20 AM


This presentation will look at linking the skills learned in the first year with third year live client clinics. After many years teaching in both the first and third year, we realized students needed more practice in legal research and writing after the first year instruction to be prepared for actual representation. We will look at the curriculum of our short course called Advanced Writing: Criminal Motions, how it was developed, and the benefits we have seen in our third year students' work product.

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Aug 26th, 10:55 AM Aug 26th, 11:20 AM

Bridging the Gap Between the First Year Lawyering Skills Program and Live Client Clinical Work

Room 110

This presentation will look at linking the skills learned in the first year with third year live client clinics. After many years teaching in both the first and third year, we realized students needed more practice in legal research and writing after the first year instruction to be prepared for actual representation. We will look at the curriculum of our short course called Advanced Writing: Criminal Motions, how it was developed, and the benefits we have seen in our third year students' work product.