Connecting Legal Writing Methodology to the Administrative Work of the Judiciary


Room 110

Start Date

26-8-2017 2:55 PM

End Date

26-8-2017 3:20 PM


The work of the judicial system extends beyond the areas of advocacy and adjudication. A large body of the work of the judicial branch consists of legal analysis and writing that involves both the internal administration of the courts and the preparation of objective documents like pattern forms and bench books. This presentation will explore some of this work and how legal research and writing techniques and practice foster its stability, efficiency and accuracy.

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Aug 26th, 2:55 PM Aug 26th, 3:20 PM

Connecting Legal Writing Methodology to the Administrative Work of the Judiciary

Room 110

The work of the judicial system extends beyond the areas of advocacy and adjudication. A large body of the work of the judicial branch consists of legal analysis and writing that involves both the internal administration of the courts and the preparation of objective documents like pattern forms and bench books. This presentation will explore some of this work and how legal research and writing techniques and practice foster its stability, efficiency and accuracy.