Volume 2, Issue 1 (2013)
An American Indian Supreme Court
Eugene R. Fidell
The Utility of Amicus Briefs in the Supreme Court’s Indian Cases
Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Native American Winters Doctrine and Stevens Treaty Water Rights: Recognition, Quantification, Management
Rachael Paschal Osborn
The Washington State Indian Child Welfare Act: Putting the Policy Back Into the Law
William N. Smith and Richard T. Okrent
Until Yesterday: Deterring and Healing the Cyclical Gender Based Violence in Indian Country
Samantha Ivette Morales

Editorial Board 2013-2014
- Editor-in-Chief
- Shannon "Shay" Story
- Managing Editor
- Jeanette "Jenny" Campbell
- Executive Editor
- Erin White
- Technical Editor
- Darko Slugic
- Articles Editors
- Liz Leemon
- Robin Sand
- Events Coordinator>
- Nga Nguyen
- Staff Member
- Charisse Arce
- 2L Staff Editors
- Jessica Bucklew
- Christopher Edwards
- Jillian Held
- Fabio Dworschak
- Leticia Hernandez
- Jonathan Litner
- Nick Major
- Kevin Margado
- Jocelyn McCurtain
- Nancy Mendez
- Callie Tift