SJSJ Artwork




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Gary Dumo and Houston Tobin created their works of art via involvement with the Sanctuary Art Center. The Sanctuary Art Center is a non-profit organization that serves homeless and street-involved youth ages 13-25 (Caroline Falt serves as program director). Its mission is to create a safe, warm, calm environment for these youth to experience creativity and success through the use of various artistic media. It offers a variety of services contained within three main programming areas: Drop-In Art Studio, Outreach, and Employment Internships. The programs the Sanctuary Art Center offers give youth an outlet for creative expression by which they can begin to create safety and meaning back into their lives. The artwork is sometimes a reflection of the past, a portrait of the present, or a plan for the future. In all cases it is their truth. It is a key ingredient in their journey towards healing and life off the street.


