Volume 34, Issue 4 (2011) Berle II: The Second Annual Symposium of the Adolf A. Berle, Jr. Center on Corporations, Law & Society
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Seattle University Law Review
Symposium Articles
Directors as Trustees of the Nation? India’s Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Reform Efforts
Afra Afsharipour
Does Critical Mass Matter? Views From the Boardroom
Lissa Lamkin Broome, John M. Conley, and Kimberly D. Krawiec
Fiduciaries, Federalization, and Finance Capitalism: Berle’s Ambiguous Legacy and the Collapse of Countervailing Power
John W. Cioffi
The Twilight of the Berle and Means Corporation
Gerald F. Davis
Behind Closed Doors: The Influence of Creditors in Business Reorganizations
Michelle M. Harner and Jamie Marincic
Financial Institutions in Bankruptcy
Stephen J. Lubben
Of Mises and Min(sky): Libertarian and Liberal Responses to Financial Crises Past and Present
Brett H. McDonnell
Berle and Veblen: An Intellectual Connection
Charles R.T. O'Kelley
Is Social Enterprise the New Corporate Social Responsibility?
Antony Page and Robert A. Katz
Toward an Organizationally Diverse American Capitalism? Cooperative, Mutual, and Local, State-Owned Enterprise
Marc Schneiberg
The Cosmetic Independence of Corporate Boards
Nicola Faith Sharpe
Berle’s Conception of Shareholder Primacy: A Forgotten Perspective For Reconsideration During the Rise of Finance
Fenner Stewart Jr.
Berle and Social Businesses: A Consideration
Celia R. Taylor
Copyright “Band-Aids” and the Future of Reform
Kurt E. Kruckeberg
Where Lawfare Meets Lawsuit in the Case of Padilla v. Yoo
Joseph Marchesano

Editor in Chief
Kurt E. KruckebergManaging Editor
Joseph MarchesanoExecutive Editors
Michael Costello (Lead Articles)Jennifer Cox Shapiro (Notes & Comments)
Paul H. Westfall (Editor at Large)
Symposium Chair
Jennifer DonofrioBusiness & Marketing Editor
Michelle BlackmonLead Article Editors
Ryan Groshong | Robert Iff |
Reuben Schutz | Victoria Slade |
Note & Comment Editors
Sarah Gallagher | Paige Spratt |
Patricia Sully |
Research & Technical Editors
Lael Carlson | Megan Coluccio |
Jonathan Cummings | Sarah Rajski |
Freya Ray | Nina Scheel |
Arthur Simpson |
Associate Editors
Robert Anderson | Robert Furst |
William M. Humphries | Steven Le |
Kathrine Price | Adriane Scola |
Nathan Sugg | Briahna Taylor |
Terri Thomas |
Lauren Adler | Danielle Armstrong |
Michael Callahan | Kaitlin Cherf |
James Corning | Beth Davis |
Christopher Graving | Carrie Hobbs |
Jason Kelley | Shelby Knutson |
Margaret Lund | Holly Mack-Kretzler |
Winfield B. Martin | Joan H. Miller |
Krista Nelson | Stegin O'Neill |
Brian Pinkerton | Nathan Quigley |
L. Jeffrey Roberson | Rachel J. Schaefer |
B. Porter Sesnon | Jacob Stender |
Andrew Tingkang | Nicole Trask |
Kyle Trethewey | Colin Troy |
Deanna White | Brenna Willott |
William Witherspoon | Brian Wright |
Editor Emeritus
Kelly M. WoodwardFaculty Advisors
Heid Bond | Charles R.T. O'Kelley |
J. Christopher Rideout |