Volume 7, Issue 1 (2018)
The Tribal Franchise: An Expression of Tribal Sovereignty and a Potential Solution to the Problem of Mass Disenrollment
Brent Mulvaney
The Colourful Truth: The Reality of Indigenous Overrepresentation in Juvenile Detention in Australia and the United States
Rachel Thampapillai
Tribal Tools & Legal Levers for Halting Fossil Fuel Transport & Exports Through the Pacific Northwest
Mary Christina Wood
August 2017 - August 2018 Case Law on American Indians
Thomas P. Schlosser

Editorial Board 2018-2019
- Editor-in-Chief
- Hyun-mi Kim
- Managing Editor
- Brittney Adams
- Executive Editor
- Brent Mulvaney
- Content Editor
- Peyton Healy
- Development Editor
- Dallas Whiteley
- Associate Editors
- Lia Baligod
- Eleanor Bosman-Clark
- Lindsey Bray
- Cloie Chapman
- Melissa Daniels
- Tran Dinh
- Shaquelle Duncan
- Shelley Guidry
- Kia Hellrigel
- Christina Holman
- Julie Kim
- Phoebe Millsap
- Jessica Roberts
- Keegan Tasker
- Ryan Usher