

This Comment argues that parents should not be left to self-help remedies to combat pedophiles in public locations. Part II of this Comment explores the psychological make-up of a pedophile by introducing the diagnostic criteria of pedophilia and by examining lengths to which pedophiles will go to find children. This Part also describes the danger created by websites with seemingly innocuous images and writings, explaining how these websites enable and validate pedophilia. Then, Parts III and IV tackle the issue on two fronts, through state action and federal congressional action, respectively. Part III describes and discusses the SSA, a recent addition to the California Penal Code. In so doing, this Comment advocates that other states consider similar measures. Part IV focuses on the need for federal regulation of pictures like the ones posted on McClellan's website. These Parts pose a solution that will limit what can be posted on websites like McClellan's without running afoul of the First Amendment.
